Autocross at Miller Park in the Uecker/Yount parking lots. THIS IS A PRE-REGISTER / PRE-PAY EVENT.
You can register for this event at Cost is $35 for members and $45 for non-members.
Car count will be limited to 150.
The liability waiver must be signed at the entrance to the parking lot. Only one entrance will be open.
You must check in at registration to receive your registration card to present at tech inspection which will then be turned over to timing and scoring.
Registration check in will be open from 7:30 am to 8:45 am. Tech Inspection is from 7:30 am until 9:00 am.
Drivers meeting is at 9:30 am.
Autocross at Miller Park in the Uecker/Yount parking lots. THIS IS A PRE-REGISTER / PRE-PAY EVENT.
You can register for this event at Cost is $35 for members and $45 for non-members.
Car count will be limited to 150.
The liability waiver must be signed at the entrance to the parking lot. Only one entrance will be open.
You must check in at registration to receive your registration card to present at tech inspection which will then be turned over to timing and scoring.
Registration check in will be open from 7:30 am to 8:45 am. Tech Inspection is from 7:30 am until 9:00 am.
Drivers meeting is at 9:30 am.