In addition to our racing series and AutoX series, we also offer numerous other activities!
Competition & Season Overview
Every spring the Madison Sports Car Club holds its annual Competition & Season Overview. Held on March 1st this year, we introduce prospective drivers and race staffers to all aspects of competing in Parking Lot Autocross, High Speed Autocross, and Road Racing with the Madison Sports Car Club and Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs competition series.
The session is free and participants receive a wealth of information and materials about these programs as well as a chance at some great event door prizes that include free entries to parking lot autocross.
Club Night Out
We feature a few nights during the year where the club does an activity away from our cars. We’ve spent an evening karting at Sugar River Raceway and watched the roundy-rounds at MIS.
Annual Picnic Outing
During late summer, we hold our annual club outing and picnic.
Empty Field + Timing Equipment + Working Car = Great Fun! On occasion, a friend or member will offer some non-paved areas to enjoy our cars in. Although not full-on WRC stage rally events, they are still great fun and let you play in the dirt, where traction isn’t always quite as abundant as on pavement.
Halloween and TSD Rallies
For the past 60 years, the Madison Sports Car Club has put on road rallies for the enjoyment of the membership. There are two types of road rallies: time-speed-distance (TSD) and gimmick. Both types of rallies are held on normal roads.
The TSD rallies will direct you on a course, give you instructions to turn on to different roads, and you will be asked to maintain certain speeds. The winner is determined by the competitor who is closest to the predetermined time and distance.
Gimmick rallies consist of a mind game with the rally master. Directions are given, sometimes very cleverly, and you are to answer questions along the route. Gimmick rallies can be held during the day or at night. Madison SCC holds an annual Haloween Gimmick rally and costume party.
Special Meetings
We often have guest speakers attend our meetings. Guest speakers have given presentations on everything from Midget Racing to Suspension Setup and MSCC History.
On occaision, we are invited to tour local performance shops and car collections.